Is Dating Your Cousin Illegal in Nevada Here’s What the Law Says

Is Dating Your Cousin Illegal in Nevada? Here’s What the Law Says

In Nevada, the legality of marriage between first cousins is explicitly addressed by state statutes.

Legal Framework

Nevada law prohibits marriages between first cousins. According to the Nevada Revised Statutes, two persons, regardless of gender, may marry if they are “not nearer of kin than second cousins or cousins of the half blood.” This means that first cousins are explicitly barred from marrying in the state.

Recognition of Out-of-State First Cousin Marriages

While Nevada prohibits first cousin marriages within the state, it recognizes marriages legally performed in other jurisdictions. Therefore, if first cousins marry in a state where such unions are legal, Nevada will acknowledge the marriage as valid.

Comparison with Other States

Marriage laws concerning first cousins vary across the United States. Some states permit first cousin marriages without restrictions, others allow them under specific conditions, and several, including Nevada, prohibit them entirely.

Legal Implications

Entering into a prohibited marriage in Nevada, such as one between first cousins, renders the union void from its inception, meaning it is legally nonexistent. Parties do not need to seek an annulment or divorce to dissolve it. Additionally, engaging in sexual intercourse with a known blood relative within degrees of kinship prohibited by law is considered a felony in Nevada, punishable by up to life imprisonment and fines up to $10,000.

Cohabitation and Consensual Relationships

Nevada law does not explicitly address cohabitation between first cousins. However, as previously mentioned, engaging in sexual intercourse with a known first cousin is a felony offense in the state.

Historical Context

Historically, cousin marriages were more common and socially acceptable in many cultures, including parts of the United States. Over time, various states enacted laws prohibiting marriages between first cousins due to concerns about genetic defects and changing social norms. Nevada’s existing prohibition reflects this trend toward restricting first-cousin marriages.


In summary, Nevada law explicitly prohibits marriages between first cousins, rendering such unions void. Additionally, engaging in sexual intercourse with a known first cousin is a felony offense, subject to significant legal penalties. However, Nevada recognizes first cousin marriages legally performed in other jurisdictions. As marriage and criminal laws vary significantly across states, individuals considering such a union or relationship should consult the specific statutes of the state in question and may benefit from legal counsel to fully understand the implications.

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