A 2.7-magnitude earthquake rocked the Californian San Francisco Bay Area, According to the U.S. Geological Survey.
At 1:08 a.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 3, the USGS reports that the 9-mile deep earthquake struck less than a mile from Alamo.
Over 80 individuals from as far away as Moraga and Walnut Creek told the agency they felt the tremor.
From San Francisco, the Alamo is roughly a 30-mile journey northeast.
Things to be aware of about earthquakes
The U.S. Geological Survey states that magnitude quantifies the energy released at the earthquake’s source. It takes the place of the previous Richter scale.
According to Michigan Tech, earthquakes with a magnitude of 2.5 to 5.4 are frequently felt but rarely result in significant damage. Most people rarely feel earthquakes smaller than 2.5 magnitude.
Avalanches, landslides, tsunamis, and flames can all result from an earthquake’s abrupt, fast shaking. The Department of Homeland Security states that although they can occur anywhere, they are most often in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Puerto Rico, and Washington.

The best course of action in the event of an earthquake is to take immediate protective measures. Here are some expert tips:
- If you’re driving, stop and pull over. Put the parking brake on.
- If you’re in bed, turn over and place a pillow over your head.
- If you’re outside, keep your distance from structures. Stay out of the house.
Stay inside and avoid running outside if you’re inside. Avoid going through entrances.
According to officials, the recommended course of action during an earthquake is to drop, cover, and hold on.
Officials advise people to go on their hands and knees and grasp onto something solid wherever they are. “Make sure your wheels are locked and stay seated until the shaking stops if you’re using a wheelchair or walker with a seat.”
If you can, crawl under a sturdy table and cover your head and neck with your arms. Crawl to an inner wall away from windows if there isn’t any shelter.
Officials advise holding on with one hand and being prepared to move with it once you are beneath a table.
Following an earthquake, “there can be serious hazards, such as damage to the building, leaking gas and water lines, or downed power lines,” according to officials. “After an earthquake, expect aftershocks to follow the primary shock. If you experience an aftershock, be prepared to Drop, Cover, and Hold On.